03 April 2011

Travelling through Life

As unbelievable as it sounds and eerie as it felt, last week I found myself making the five-states'-long drive from Texas to South Carolina to be with my man. As one young girl asked me in Louisiana when I stopped to buy a road atlas, "He told you to quit your job and move in with him?!?" No, child. I wouldn't marry someone like that. As if I'd listen anyway! No one puts baby in a corner.

Yet, since arriving, I've discovered a very "traditionally feminine" part of myself. I've done such things as buy a vacuum cleaner, fold laundry on a regular basis, and have supper on the table when he comes home each day. I've refinished furniture, cross-stitched our wedding album cover, and hung photographs in this formerly-sparse apartment home. I've lost weight, I feel more confident and more content than perhaps I ever have.

It is, to say the least, very different; particularly for, as I've been described by his coworkers, fellow Marines and lawyers, "a career woman." And perhaps the most disconcerting part (if it is, in fact, disconcerting) is that I like it. I really like it! I don't think of this phase of my life as a transition to something else -- as I did, with my job, when I had it. I give no thought to where I'm going next. There is a next, but it's not what drives me. Right now, finally, I'm content with my life. I am where I ought to be. I exist, and every day is right.

I have never been happier.