23 April 2012

Cleaning Up

As far as I know, Alec's plan for today was to get checked in with all the various places he has to check into; and to attend a housing brief and see about applying for housing ASAP.  I will let him fill you in on that, or I'll make another post if I get an email. The only two things I managed to get out of him between jetlagged naps were that (1) as soon as my passport is processed and I get the number I can get my flight booked, and as soon as my flight is booked Alec can apply for housing there and find out in a few days what's available for us on-base; and (2) that he got to meet his boss(es) and start working some, the upside of which I guess is that the sum total of leave days taken for this move is lower, and he gets to stay busy (as if that was going to be an issue with a move to a new place!)

I am having our apartment professionally cleaned. Which is an adventure in itself - I'm not used to letting people do things for me, even if I've paid them to - but it is totally worth it to me. We learned our lesson last time moving out of the place in Beaufort that as much as I am a stickler for clean, I would never get it right enough for the apartment manager(s) to be happy with it. I am already impressed that this lady is, like, cleaning all the baseboards, and doors, and little cracks in the shelves, and behind/under all the appliances. Like, wow.  That totally makes it worth $175, plus being out of the house with Ginger most of the day.

Still no word on my passport, although I expect it will get completed by the State Department either later today or sometime tomorrow; and it's possible (although unlikely) that I'll have it in hand in time to fly this Thursday. However, as mentioned, it is not likely to work out that way so I've been looking into hotels in the local area. Since I'll have Ginger with me, this narrows the search quite a bit. And it actually looks like staying at the Base hotel is the cheapest option.
[EDIT: I still can't get a clear answer out of anyone about whether they accept pets but I think the answer is "no" in which case I can get a super-cheap Motel 8 type place and kennel Ginger, or stay someplace nicer with a one-time pet deposit; whichever is cheaper.]

In the meantime, we're just "camping out" on the living room floor, watching hulu.com - which it turns out does work in Okinawa - and reading library books (well I am; Ginger mostly sleeps), biding time until we're all reunited again!

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